SCIENTOLOGY TOOLS FOR EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Here are the Scientology breakthroughs that show you what really makes a leader, so you can successfully lead others with confidence. Why do people respect and support some as leaders and shun or despise others? How does one executive achieve prosperity and pay his staff well, while another fails? Is it fate? Luck? Some special gift only “the successful ones” have? The Scientology Tools for Effective Leadership Course answers these questions and gives you the true laws of leadership. Exactly what an executive is, what he must know and do to be an effective, efficient administrator. What a bad leader does that harms a group and what a good leader does that results in prosperity for group members. A precise description of administration basics, and the essential elements every executive must know. ₹ 5600 + GST Your course materials are also integrated within the course. 20-25 hours. You may, however, do the course at your own pace. In other words, it is not timed. Through the length of your course, you will receive supervision from your personal course supervisor, who will help to ensure you understand and achieve the maximum benefit from the course materials. The end result is that you are fully able to apply the data contained therein. 📜 course completion – upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in our monthly graduation party. please note this is a course to be done in the course room at scientology delhi. “This was the best course on leadership and management I have ever done. It is in a great sequence, concise and clear. This technology is very powerful and is truly needed by every manager and leader. I only wish I’d had it years ago.” “This course really amazed me. I feel like I’ve had a two-month course packed into three course periods! The amount of immediately applicable information is ridiculous! I’ve had so many realizations about my career and my job and I feel prepared to tackle matters I’ve been avoiding for years.” “There isn’t anywhere out in the world that you learn how to get something done when it comes to groups. This course is it! This is a gem! It is the technology of ‘how to grab the bull by the horns’ and run with it! Every single person managing a group, an office, a project, an event or even their own kids should do this course to understand the ins and outs of how to work with others and get things done!”Course Details
On This Course You Will Learn
An Executive Armed With This Knowledge Can Generate Respect And Cooperation From His Staff. And Through The Application Of These Leadership Tools, He Can Achieve A Higher Existence For All Concerned.
Course Fee
Length of the Course
Assist. Manager
Exec. Director